Bedwetter’s Anonymous.

Bedwetter’s Anonymous.

Bedwetter’s Anonymous.     Soggy sheets. Soiled pajamas. Sorry faces. Megan Cartwright, in her July 2015 expose, Bedwetting is not a moral failing, points out some of “the bizarre, desperate and occasionally cruel medical treatments for a common complaint.” Bedwetting, known as nocturnal enuresis may be your child developing night time bladder control. Dr. Hamer shows us it is more often reflective of a unique biological conflict of demarcation. In children, it often relates

Sleep Apnea. Insomnia.

Sleep Apnea. Insomnia.

Sleep Apnea. Insomnia.   Homer was a man from Apnea, each night, a gasp for air of course. It’s a hanging EC, as plain as could be, his myocardium being the source. Simpson ran at the track, in hopes of a cure, only to find the track was the lure.     Okay, that’s my lame attempt at poetry. I’ll stop. :’) Not sure what’s in the drinking water of late but I had two

Cellulite. Cellulitis. Cellularum.

Cellulite. Cellulitis. Cellularum.

Cellulite. Cellulitis. Cellularum.     For those that never suffered the four years of high school Latin (sorry, Mrs. Faherty) the above title will seem non-sensical. It references the declensions that we were forced to memorize and recite “ad nauseum” – hey, there’s some Latin right there! Cellulite and cellulitis, although different in their presentation both reflect a healing phase of a light self devaluation conflict relative to adipose (fat) tissue. Creative minds have come



Cataracts.     In the 1978 film, Midnight Express, there is a scene involving Paolo Bonacelli (Rifki) where the character’s eyes are seen up close. I was seventeen at the time and had never scene a cataract that close and personal. With a lack of understanding – I simply assumed the condition was hereditary or perhaps trauma induced. Our understanding of the process since that time has blossomed. Ironically, it was that same year, 1978,



Vitiligo.       Vitiligo is a dramatic skin condition characterized by loss of skin pigmentation in the deeper epidermal layer. There are a multitude of classifications – segmental vitiligo (SV), non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), vitiligo universalis, acrofacial vitilgo, mucosal vitiligo. Independent of which classification, the biological conflict associated with vitiligo is the same … a deep and brutal separation, often characterized as dramatic, severe, nasty, ugly or intense. A separation always involves either wanting to

Cold Sores

Cold Sores

Cold Sores and herpes, and hpv, oh my.       Warning: Mature Content and Sensitive Subject Matter. I was recently in session with a client that wished to understand more about her recurrent cold sores and herpes blisters. This young lady was dealing with both HSV I or oral herpes as well as HSV II or genital herpes. The accepted consensus is that both varieties are due to infection with the herpes virus. The