

During the month of July, a (quite) informal poll was taken via phone, email and text as to

newmedicineonline.com‘s most popular blogs.  A big thank you to all that participated.

The results came in as follows …

Leon Festinger’s very happy right now. As a broad brushstroke – the immune system is essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution. The concept of the immune system weakening or failing is fallacy. There are times when nature asserts and times when she pulls back. This expression is a fluid mosaic that is stunning in it’s perfection.

Cognitive Dissonance: The Immune System Construct.

For the past few years I have been observing and documenting how my client’s process their sessions. Specifically how they arrive at the place where they have the ‘a-ha’ moment – when they truly ‘get it.’, What I discovered was that by sharing the ups and downs, the wins and losses of others – it was transferable to everyone.

GNM “life classroom”

The one stop shopping for all your spell-bound needs. The medical paradigm or medical morphic resonance field is one of the most inveterate our society holds. If you’ve ever walked into a major hospital – it’s palpable. It is this field of subconscious influence that makes surviving an illness so challenging.

The Morphic Kiosk

The Counting Crows. In order to understand Why Cancer Returns (an individual coming out of remission) we first need to appreciate the Second Biological Law of German New Medicine – simply stated, the law of two phases. Every disease unfolds with a conflict active and healing phase (assuming a conflict resolution has been reached.)

A Long December (…and why cancer returns.)

Drumroll please…coming in at number one (by a landslide.) The Beatles own – George Harrison. In 1999, The Beatle’s George Harrison had his home broken into in the middle of the night. He was stabbed in the chest more than forty times. Harrison said in a statement read out to a packed Oxford Crown Court …“There were times during the violent struggle that I truly believed I was dying.”www.independent.co.uk

My Sweet George (uh, err) Lord

Honorable mentions:

Most descriptive photo within a blog (a tie.)

Erectile Dysfunction

Jumping Jack Flash

Most clever of names within a blog:


Funniest blog: Dark Chocolate Altoids may have pushed the limits of decorum.

Hemorrhoids. Curiously Strong.

So now, we want your requests for future German New Medicine blog topics.

Nothing’s off-limits.

All requests will be considered.

Email us through the contact page.

This blog is an educational only blog. The information and services contained herein should not be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for disease. Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult with their physician in order to determine the proper, correct and accepted treatment protocol before using anything that is disclosed on this page. Please visit our Legal page for more information.


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