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We offer a unique service to our members. Our efforts are to make sure your experience is helpful, friendly and informative.

Alternative healthcare, as many of you may know has come under the scrutiny and attack of the State’s Police Power to protect the public. Government agencies such as the AMA, FDA, FTC and licensing boards have a mandate to protect the “public” but have very limited jurisdiction over First and Fourteenth Amendment Private Membership Associations. 

By joining a private association we, by contract, change our status from a public jurisdiction to a private one. Our public patient or client status is legally changed into a contract member of a private membership association.

Under the First and Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and equivalent provisions of your State Constitution, you have the right to associate with fellow members and offer benefits and services that are outside of the jurisdiction, venue and authority of State and/or Federal agencies.

What could come under scrutiny and in some cases be considered a criminal act outside the association can be perfectly legal within the protection of a private association.

This right of association is not absolute; the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in many cases that the State cannot interfere with private association activities unless the private members are being subjected to a substantial evil that would shock a person’s moral and common sense.

However, if there is no substantial evil and although the services of the private association may be controversial, unpopular, unconventional or lack proper endorsements and approvals, the U.S. Supreme Court again has overwhelmingly ruled that a freedom of assembly and association cannot be violated.

By being a private healthcare membership association, we are free to serve our members, with the help they so desperately need. Joining a private membership association is a small price to pay for such a wonderful freedom – the freedom to take charge of your own health.

Participation is only available to members. Due to the present legal climate, please know that everyone must have a signed membership contract on file before Dr. Smookler will schedule a consultation.

With knowledge and understanding you may apply for membership.

The terms association, foundation or group reference, in name only, our legal framework. There is no intent on our behalf to establish or imply any kind of governing or authorizing body for German New Medicine. These are merely terms needed to establish the legal framework of a 1st and 14th amendment private, membership association.

