Green Eggs and The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) Laws.

With apologies to Dr. Seuss we present The Five Biological (Bio, yes logical!) Laws of German New Medicine, ridiculously simplified.

Green Eggs and The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) Laws

The first of The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) Laws is what Dr. Hamer coined “The Iron Rule of Cancer.” It involves a Biological “Catch-22” – an unexpected trauma, shock, difficulty, dilemma or conundrum which the individual must overcome.

The “Catch-22” lies in the reality that the situation cannot (at least at that moment in time) be resolved. A stalemate ensues, but like any good stalemate something has to give … so nature, in her wisdom intercedes to take the ‘weight’ of the distress off of the emotional body and shifts it to the physical body.

The ‘weight’ is translated into a compensatory, emergency adaptation response (i.e. disease) that expresses on the cellular level – that the body now is able to process over time, in essence – buying time for the possibility of a conflict resolution.

Green Eggs and The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) Laws

The Second Biological Law explains the two phases of all disease.

We have the conflict active phase and the healing phase. Conflict activity is the cold phase – the sympathetic nervous system of fight-or-flight.

The resolution or healing phase is the warm phase of the parasympathetic nervous system. The majority of diseases are in fact healing phases.

Green Eggs and The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) LawsThe Third of Five Biological Laws explains the unique way we all perceive and react to our experience –

and how that interpretation dictates the cerebral response and body expression as well as how the cellular tissue affected will behave.

Green Eggs and The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) Laws

The Fourth Biological Law explains that we can’t ‘catch’ a cold or flu as well as the (positive) role that microbes (fungus, bacteria, viruses) play in healing.

The type of microbe expressed is determined by the Third Biological Law.

Green Eggs and The Five Biological (bio, yes logical!) Laws

The Fifth Biological Law makes sense of illness, perhaps for the very first time and authenticates that disease is not a mistake of nature, but rather an intrinsic part thereof.

It affirms something deep within us, that we’ve always known.

Namely, Mother Nature is not fallible and continuously susceptible to break down and that there is meaning and purpose in what appears to be the chaos of disease.

Green Eggs and The Five Biological (Bio, yes logical!) Laws

3 thoughts on “Green Eggs and The Five Biological (Bio, yes logical!) Laws

  • August 24, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    Very clever! Thank you, Neal

    • August 25, 2018 at 9:37 am

      Thanks Colleen!
      Let’s face it – one can only take so much endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm in one sitting. Trying to keep things from becoming boring!

  • October 2, 2018 at 3:25 pm

    Thanks! Very interesting way to explain them!!


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