(5,4,3,2,1) During the month of July, a (quite) informal poll was taken via phone, email and text as to newmedicineonline.com‘s most popular blogs. A big thank you to all that participated. The results came in as follows … Leon Festinger’s very happy right now. As a broad brushstroke – the immune system is essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution. The concept of the immune system weakening or failing
My Sweet George (uh, err) Lord
My Sweet George, (uh, err) Lord. Lung Cancer – German New Medicine. In 1999, The Beatle’s George Harrison had his home broken into in the middle of the night. He was stabbed in the chest more than forty times. Harrison said in a statement read out to a packed Oxford Crown Court …“There were times during the violent struggle that I truly believed I was dying.” Source In an earlier German New Medicine