Oh, that over-sized red, orange and yellow ‘art work’ would elicit puzzling looks and inquisitive stares.
It was, of course the behemoth Scientific Chart of The New Medicine.
Quite hard to miss. People for some reason were fascinated with it. I think many were simply wondering how was it possible to get all that information onto one large poster.
When I began to share the New Medicine way back when, clients would stop me to casually inquire what’s the conflict for this, what’s the conflict for that.
The more I educated others, the more I would get the “hey Neal what’s GNM’s take on” … fill in the blank.
Before too long, several emails would be waiting in my inbox from the sister, neighbor or cousin of someone I had spoken to, for perhaps a mere five minutes – wanting to know if they could schedule a session.
More questions, more issues, more enquirers began to show up from their family and friends. The horse was out-of-the-barn. It was all very informal back then.
Keep in mind, at this time (2009) my dance card was completely full with another full time practice of twenty years.
Despite not really having the free time, I would do my best to accommodate everyone.
I would chat with someone twenty minutes here, ten minutes there. Over my lunch break, on the ride home.
It was all a bit too chaotic and unstructured and my time was thin.
In 2011, after much soul searching, I pared back my Alphabiotic practice to accommodate the growing demand for German New Medicine consultations. As a German New Medicine practitioner today, I realize how empowering The New Medicine is.