




Vitiligo is a dramatic skin condition characterized by loss of skin pigmentation in the deeper epidermal layer.

There are a multitude of classifications – segmental vitiligo (SV), non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), vitiligo universalis, acrofacial vitilgo, mucosal vitiligo.

Independent of which classification, the biological conflict associated with vitiligo is the same … a deep and brutal separation, often characterized as dramatic, severe, nasty, ugly or intense. A separation always involves either wanting to separate oneself (repel, push away) from someone or something or not wanting to separate oneself (embrace, pull closer.)

When the individual is in conflict activity the outer skin or epidermis undergoes a de-pigmentation process. The biological meaning of the de-pigmentation or ulceration of the epidermis to assist the individual to better feel the touch of the loved one from whom the separation occurred. 

Vitiligo recovery depends on a viable melanocyte reservoir and in some patients with vitiligo, re-pigmentation is possible. During the resolution or healing phase the loss of pigmentation begins to fill in from the periphery inward.

The following photos are not actual cases but are used for educational, entertainment (respectfully) purposes only. The location of the depigmentation will appear where the psyche perceived the “contact separation” to have occurred.

Laterality may play a role as well with the separation relative to an important relationship. Pets, a favorite “binky” (stuffed animal, blanket, pacifier) as well as a collective class of first graders may all apply.

The photo to the right shows how the de-pigmentation process might appear in an individual that experienced a brutal separation conflict where their wrists were tied up behind their back, during a robbery, e.g.

Vitiligo 1

The photo below shows how the de-pigmentation process might appear in an individual that experienced a brutal separation conflict that involved being jumped from behind during a mugging.

Vitiligo 2

It has been suggested that Michael Jackson’s vitiligo was the result of the severe beatings (wanting to separate, to remove himself, to escape the brutality of where his father’s (Joe Jackson) belt would contact his body. This is conjecture but something to ponder, nonetheless.

One challenge when addressing vitiligo from a German New Medicine perspective is the subconscious association of the depigmented patches and the moment in time the brutal separation was experienced. In other words, the patches may serve as subconscious tracks that reopen the conflict.

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5 thoughts on “Vitiligo

  • June 12, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    Is vertilego hereditary. My mother and my elder sister have got it.I am undergoing trauma due to the bad look of the skin Please advise what will help me heal from the pigmentation. What is the diet for the ailment

    • June 13, 2016 at 4:47 pm

      I personally do not believe vitiligo to be hereditary. The question then becomes…why does it appear in more than one family member as in your case? I do believe there are familial predispositions at play – but each individual must experience the brutal separation. Diet is a factor but the biological conflict must be resolved in order to heal.

  • August 16, 2018 at 11:04 am

    I have vitiligo and strongly believe it is not hereditary. I think however that in one family, there can be some commonalities of personality traits which can lead to a sometimes similar sensitivity to the kinesthesic sense (touch). One of my nephews started small patches of vitiligo, he later told me he hated when his dad was joking about his belly by touching it and he was very sensitive not to be touched the wrong way. I discussed it with my sister and the dad stopped the bad joke. so did the vitiligo ! in my case, it started on my throat and hands after being strangled by my father.. no need to say that I wish I could push him away from this awful and traumatic contact. this happened when I was 19 and kept on developing all over my body, so I know look like a lovely sycomore tree 🙂 one path to understanding why this is still developing is that that the brain most likely associated “my father” with “men” and as I keep contact with men – though in a nice fashion – my brain may still perceive it subconsciously as a danger. In French we have an expression which says “a cat which has been burnt by boiled water, fears boiled water”. but truly for the brain, this cat will fear any water, as the brain cannot differentiate boiled water from cold water at the first sight. I’m currently working in therapy to clear this and repigment all over 🙂 thank you for this blog, because it’s been adding some info I didn’t have before !

  • August 29, 2018 at 8:22 am

    Dear Dr Smookler, may I ask you if you have had already patients with vitiligo who repigmented, and if any, how many? thank you !!


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