Sleep Apnea. Insomnia. Homer was a man from Apnea, each night, a gasp for air of course. It’s a hanging EC, as plain as could be, his myocardium being the source. Simpson ran at the track, in hopes of a cure, only to find the track was the lure. Okay, that’s my lame attempt at poetry. I’ll stop. :’) Not sure what’s in the drinking water of late but I had two
Heart Attacks. Myocardial Infarcts | Coronary Infarcts.

Heart Attacks. Myocardial Infarcts | Coronary Infarcts. The standard explanation of heart disease is based upon assumptions, statistics and interpretation. Plaque and cholesterol are indeed found within the arteries of some heart attack patients. This cannot be denied. Plaque and cholesterol creating a blockage initiating a heart attack though, is an interpretation. We are told that high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, family history, lack of exercise and fatty diets are all potential culprits.