Cognitive Dissonance: The Immune System Construct.
In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas or values. The occurrence of cognitive dissonance occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts said beliefs, ideals and values.
In A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957), Leon Festinger proposed that human beings strive for internal psychological consistency in order to mentally function in the real world. A person who experiences internal inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and so is motivated to reduce the cognitive dissonance – either by changing parts of the cognition to justify the stressful behavior or by adding new parts to the cognition that causes the psychological dissonance and by actively avoiding contradictory information that are likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance. (Wikipedia.)
This blog may create cognitive dissonance in some of our readers. Sorry. ;’)
When understanding the construct of an immune system we must begin with Dr. Hamer’s discovery of the Second and Fourth Biological Law of German New Medicine.
The Second Biological Law explains the two phases of all disease – providing there is a resolution to the conflict.
The Fourth Biological Law explains the beneficial role of microbes during any given conflict active and healing phase. Microbial activity will only express when a biological conflict has been resolved.
The standard interpretation espouses a link between the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, recurrent infections, chronic illness and a compromised immune response.
As a broad brushstroke – the immune system is essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution. The concept of the immune system weakening or failing is fallacy. There are times when nature asserts and times when she pulls back. This expression is a fluid mosaic that is stunning in it’s perfection.
This is such an important concept that I am going to repeat it. The immune system is essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution.
A weakened immune system /
A failing immune system /
An immune response /
An auto-immune disease /
What do these terms really mean?
Why does more illness settle in as we age? Is the immune system weakening?
Why do our body’s seem to “break down” as we get older? Is the immune system wearing down?
Why do certain modalities and remedies seem to help? Are we in essence boosting the immune system?
We’ll take a look at all these topics today.
We’ve been told if we are getting recurrent colds our immune system must be weak. The common cold is the very expression of a resolved ‘stink’ conflict. At the moment the conflict occurs the lining of the nasal mucosa will begin to ulcerate. This is a process usually goes unnoticed. It is only upon resolution of the conflict that the ulceration in the mucous membranes gets replenished and refilled with a hand from viruses (if they exist) – causing nasal congestion, a runny nose and sneezing. Mother Nature “pulls back” to allow the viral particulates to come into expression in the resolution phase of the above conflict assisting with the replenishment of the mucous membrane.
Does this appear to be an “immune” system not working at full strength or is it a “support” system working perfectly?
We’ve been told that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune disease where the body is attacking itself. From a German New Medicine perspective, rheumatoid arthritis is a healing phase (swelling, inflammation, pain) self-devaluation affecting the joints (arthritis) coupled with an active separation affecting the periosteum (rheumatoid.) Is this a scenario where the immune system has failed and the body malfunctioned or is it simply an expression of conflict activity and conflict resolution? Remembering there is evolutionary meaning behind the conflict’s expression. For example, the cell replenishment (tissue surplus) occurring during the healing phase of all arthritic programs is designed to strengthen the area in question so it is not as susceptible to future conflict.
Does this appear to be an “immune” system failure or is it an intelligent system working perfectly?
We’ve been told Hashimoto’s Disease is an auto-immune disorder where the body attacks itself, randomly and senselessly.
Dr. Hamer’s explanation of an underactive (hypo) thyroid is not autoimmune related!
By the time Hashimoto’s Disease has been diagnosed the conflict has relapsed many times over. Hashimoto’s is an inflammation of the thyroid ducts. In essence a ‘hanging healing’ (PCL-A) where the healing phase has got ‘hung up’ due to ongoing conflict relapse.
The hypothyroidism occurs when the efferent or outgoing thyroid ducts swell and occlude, thereby blocking thyroxin from entering into the bloodstream. Relative to the thyroid ducts, the biological conflict is about powerlessness, helplessness (I have no control) – if one’s is laterality is right. There may be an element of danger as well. If one’s laterality is left, the biological conflict is about heading into danger or a perceived dangerous situation.
During conflict activity, the ducts will ulcerate (cell loss, cell negative) along with an elevation of ‘fight-or-flight’ hormones. The intelligent purpose behind this widening of the duct is to allow for greater secretion of thyroid hormone into the blood stream in order to assist the individual to gain control of the conflict.
Once the individual has come to terms with the conflict, the swelling or edema (healing always occurs in a fluid environment) will occlude the duct preventing the expression of thyroxin into the body. It is believed that the thyroid gland has become hypoactive or even non-functional – this is a misinterpretation. It is the swollen ducts that are lowering the thyroid hormone bio-availability.
Does this appear to be an “immune” system failure or are we observing a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution?
Let’s look at the ‘mother’ of all failing immune system disorders – AIDS.
With “AIDS defining illness”, if we look at the clinical picture (the individual biological conflicts) it all becomes clear.
Pneumocystis pneumonia is a healing phase in the lungs relating to fear of death, mortality – a death fright. Think how one would feel upon hearing the HIV diagnosis… “I’m going to die.” The lung conflict is accompanied by a kidney collecting tubule program which relates to our existence being threatened, in this case by an HIV diagnosis.
Thrush is a biological conflict of being unable to swallow or spit something out, e.g. ejaculate.
A fungal infection relates to a dirtiness, soiling conflict, e.g. ejaculation on the person’s skin, anal intercourse.
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck reflect the healing phase of heading into danger or powerlessness, helplessness (depending upon one’s laterality.) Given a life threatening diagnosis – feeling helpless would be understandable. Feeling like you’re heading into a dangerous situation would be obvious.
Kaposi sarcoma relates to a dirtiness or soil conflict, e.g. society views my sexual practices as dirty.
Lymphoma reflects a self devaluation conflict, e.g I’m sick. I’m diseased. I’m a bad person for ‘catching’ this.
Night sweats are the healing phase involving TB bacteria (if present) that will accompany any old brain conflict (e.g. fear of death, mortality – a death fright) and or a conflict of existence, isolation or abandonment (all kidney collecting tubule conflicts.)
Diarrhea is the resolution of an indigestible anger, e.g. Why me?!
Unexplained weight loss will occur during the healing phase (once again) of any old brain conflict due to protein loss associated with TB bacteria.
Low platelets (CD4, T-Cells) reflects a blood disorder conflict. An abnormal blood result. e.g. an hiv test and or ongoing labs.
Are you starting to ‘get’ it?
The clinical presentation of AIDS has utterly nothing to do with a flawed immune system, rather it is the reflection of multiple biological conflicts in varying stages of conflict activity and resolution.
Does this appear to be an “immune” system not working at full strength or is it essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution at exactly the right time? The “immunity” has not weakened, attacked itself or failed. It’s all a misinterpretation.
From – an autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Addison’s, Celiac, Graves, Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Sjögren syndrome.
Each and everyone of the aforementioned are merely a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution at exactly the proper time. There simply are no mistakes in nature. Should the illness become chronic – it is not due to a failing immune system but rather an expression of recurring conflict activity due to tracks.
Why then, does more illness settle in as we age?
Remember, it is the second time we experience a biological shock (dhs) of a certain theme that it will express on the material or cellular level.
The first biological shock (dhs) will not manifest on the organ or brain level. Perhaps this is simply an expression of nature’s generosity in that she gives us a pass on the first experience (the earlier predisposing conflict.)
Whether it’s nature’s benevolence or something else at play, the fact of the matter is with the passing of time we are more likely to experience a second (or third or fourth) conflict of the same theme and therefore a physical expression of disease as we age.
Why do our body’s seem to “break down” as we get older?
Buckminster Fuller, when discussing the ability of a structure to yield increasingly without ultimately breaking or coming asunder coined the term tensional integrity or ‘tensegrity.’
Dr. George Roth extrapolated ‘tensegrity’ to biological entities – our body’s ability to absorb energy from trauma. Beyond the ability of the tissue to absorb, the tissue will either expand and lock in a larger state or break. The model has now been verified as the underlying structure of all organic tissue.
‘Tensegrity’ is perhaps not an exact explanation as to why tissue breaks down but may provide us some insight.
Perhaps an easier to digest analogy would be the creation of a pothole (something we are all to familiar with in New England!) The constant expansion and contraction eventually breaks down the medium. It’s the same with bodily tissue, the constant accordian like expansion and contraction caused by relapses and tracks eventually breaks down the tissue, interpreted as the body breaking down due to a weakening or failing immune system.
Why does exercise, nutrition, remedies and acupuncture seem to help?
A vitamin or mineral deficiency would be considered malnourishment – and would require supplementation. Keep in mind some alterations is vitamin and mineral levels are side-effects of biological conflict as well.
If an individual has success eliminating an “auto-immune” diseases through acupuncture, exercise or via altering nutrition – then it is clear a “track” to the biological program has been turned off.
A very common track for so many biological programs is one of having no control. When we take action (beginning a course of acupuncture, e.g.) we take our control back and another “track” to the biological program is turned off.
What about recurrent infections that we just can’t seem to shake?
Is a failing immune system at cause?
The Fourth Biological Law shows us the beneficial role that microbes (fungi, bacteria) as well as viruses (if they exist) play in various healing phases.
There is a meaningful (from a biological perspective) purpose for all infections. All microbial activity is directed by the brain. The traditional understanding of anthe immune system is that of a defense team battling against malfunction and failure – and with auto immune disease, ultimately attacking itself.
In reality, microbes are all very specialized in their tissue reparative roles. Microbes will proliferate (yet not express) during certain conflict active phases. When they are finally needed at the appropriate time in the biological program – Mother Nature “pulls back” to allow them to come into expression in the resolution phase.
Fungi traditionally break down cancerous masses.
Bacteria serve as scavengers, cleaning and clearing.
Viruses (if they exist) are reconstruction workers.
Microbes do not, as previously thought “leap” into our bodies from the external environment – rather they are naturally occurring within the cells, remaining dormant until our unique biological conflict ‘schedule’ needs them.
Let’s look at the example from above. We’ve been told if we are getting recurrent sinus infections – our immune system must be weak, i.e. our system cannot fight of bacteria from the outside environment.
In reality, a sinus ‘infection’ is the very expression of a resolved ‘stink’ conflict. At the moment the conflict occurs the lining of the nasal mucosa will begin to ulcerate. This is a process that usually goes unnoticed. It is only upon resolution of the conflict that the ulceration in the mucous membranes gets replenished and refilled with a hand from viruses (if they exist) – causing the nasal infection.
Mother Nature “pulls back” to allow the viral particulates to come into expression in the resolution phase of the above conflict assisting with the replenishment of the mucous membrane.
What then are chronic, recurring infections?
They’re not due to a failing immune system but rather an expression of chronic, recurring conflict activity due to tracks.
Do you see the difference? Very simply, months or even years of weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution exactly as needed in response to our unique life’s experience.
As always, the Kidney Collecting Tubules (KCT) will exacerbate matters. Imagine being told you have a degenerative auto-immune disease that will only progress as your immune system continues to fail. Our survival takes center stage, the Kidney Collecting Tubules tighten, our symptoms amplify and complications increase … a vicious cycle ensues.
When we experience decades of tracks, they are cumulative and intermeshed. When one track is triggered, decades of tracks engage. It becomes more difficult to unravel the mystery. The biological program is in a state of continual re-engagement.
Things seem to be worsening – an accurate observation. Yet it is not due to a failing immune system, rather the ongoing weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution that we discussed.
One might ask, how does this new understanding change the burden of a chronic disease? Truth be told, it may not – yet we have to appreciate these programs from an evolutionary perspective.
These are age-old biological programs that originated in the animal kingdom with an undergirding purpose to always assist the organism through a difficult moment in time. German New Medicine represents a change in our understanding of what we commonly call auto-immune disorders. It reveals that such are not caused by malfunctions but rather are initiated by a biological solution that assists an individual during these times. Perhaps that is not very comforting when in pain and battling a disorder yet we have to understand that nature is looking at things in a slightly different light than that of our educated mind.
This blog is an educational only blog. The information and services contained herein should not be construed as a diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure for disease.Those seeking treatment for a specific disease should consult with their physician in order to determine the proper, correct and accepted treatment protocol before using anything that is disclosed on this page. Please visit our Legal page for more information.
Thank you!
Well done sir!
Thanks Maureane.
Great article! Just the idea that the body would attack itself is cognitive-dissonance!
So true!