In the novel Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, there’s a sort of doomsday weapon called ice-nine. Ice-nine is a fictional water crystal that has a higher melting point than ordinary ice – it’s solid at room temperature. One crystal of ice-nine causes other water molecules to become ice-nine and so it can freeze an entire ocean (
Lyme is conjectured to be like ice-nine: the spiral-shaped bacteria invades, infects and then bores into tissues, ultimately taking over control.
I cannot remember, as a kid growing up in New England (not too far from Connecticut) ever hearing about Lyme Disease.
Was I just too young to recall?
Was it not in the media?
Was it called something else?
If someone had joint pain, they were oft diagnosed with arthritis.
If someone had a rash, they were labeled with dermatitis.
If some experienced memory loss, well, they were told they need to reduce stress.
Never at this earlier time – were these unrelated presentations ever coalesced into a formal syndrome.
Lyme has many faces, experiences and stories.
One of the most unique (and puzzling) aspects of Lyme is the different and sundry ways that the exact same bacteria (borrelia burgdorferi in north america) seems to present itself from individual to individual. This is the first clue that there may be a fly-in-the-lyme-ointment.
Diagnosis of late-stage Lyme disease is often complicated by a multifaceted appearance and nonspecific symptoms, prompting one reviewer to call Lyme the new “great imitator.” (Pachner AR. 1989. “Neurologic manifestations of Lyme disease, the new “great imitator.” )
The history of Lyme disease began in 1975 when a cluster of children and adults residing in the Lyme, Connecticut area experienced uncommon arthritic symptoms. (
Lyme disease was diagnosed as a separate condition for the first time in 1975 in Old Lyme, Connecticut. It was originally mistaken for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. (Wikipedia)
This is not meant to be an all encompassing expose on Lyme as understood through the lens of German New Medicine – as that is near impossible in two thousand words. It is meant to provide a slight movement within the kaleidoscope of perception, a new understanding, perhaps revelation for some … hope.
Looking at the brain scan of an individual with “Lyme,” most symptoms they present with can be correlated to an observed Hamerscher Herde in the exact area of the brain responsible for the conflict they had resolved.
The biological conflict initially impacts the awareness on the (sub)conscious level, then alights a predetermined relay in the brain, as a short-circuit or bio-electrical imprint (visible on a brain scan) – the location of which is exclusively based upon the conflict’s unique nature or theme. The activated relay corresponds to a specific target organ where the biological program or disease commences.
This bio-electrical imprint, officially known as a hamerscher herde, appears on a brain CT scan (computerized tomography) as a target configuration or series of concentric rings – like the ripple effect we observe when a stone hits the water on a lake. This bio-electrical imprint is actually a three dimensional sphere, much like a fireworks display – yet since a brain CT scan is sectioned in layers or slices the imprint appears two dimensional.
A highly trained eye can ascertain one’s entire medical story from a brain scan. When the bio-electrical imprint or target ring is fresh with very clear and sharp lines – the DHS or biological conflict is new and active. Upon resolution of the conflict, the target ring configuration begins to break up. The once clearly defined rings will now appear to be intermeshed with what resembles the spokes on a bicycle wheel in appearance.
As the healing phase unfolds on the organ level it also unfolds on the cerebral or brain level. The ring formation becomes less and less defined.
What relevance does this have to the syndrome that is now labeled as “Lyme”?
When we look at a client’s symptomatic presentation we observe a hamerscher herde (in the exact stage of radiological progression or unfoldment) for each and every symptom Lyme (in the exact stage of symptomatic progression and unfoldment.)
We see this over and over again.
As a broad brushstroke – Lyme is essentially a plethora of biological conflicts weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution.
Once bitten, twice shy … (sorry I couldn’t resist) by the borrelia bacteria carrying deer tick – we may (or may not) develop the characteristic target-ring rash, known as erythema chronicum migrans that begins at the location of the bite soon thereafter and upwards of thirty-two days later. This initial focal rash/reaction may be the first observable response to the bite stimulus.
The erythema chronicum migrans rash, which does not occur in all cases, is considered sufficient to establish a diagnosis of Lyme disease even when serologic blood tests are negative. (Hofmann H. 1996. “Lyme borreliosis–problems of serological diagnosis.”
This target-ring or bullseye rash is simply the body reacting to the bite itself. A response to a foreign irritant – harmless really. It’s the further down the road “assignment of cause” that is the misinterpretation to come.
The only further reaction a person may experience is the so called initial immune response (flu-like symptoms, fever, headache, malaise) – to a foreign irritant that has been introduced into our system through a tick bite. I’ll repeat – this is a normal response to a foreign entity (only) that is not native to our system.
This is the classic “immune” reaction.
This is a natural and harmless occurrence and will pass in several days to a few weeks.
If, down the road – should symptoms of Lyme present, from either our unique biological conflict history and or the Lyme diagnosis or treatment protocol, they will be conflict related and have absolutely no correlation (zip, zilch, nada) to this earlier foreign exposure and immune response.
I know it’s confusing as I am asking you to look at something through a different lens.
The problem that we are witnessing is what is known as “assignment of cause” where all complaints are erroneously) assigned to an auto-immune response from a borrelia infection – even those that are completely unconventional for Lyme (allergies, heart issues and even cancers.)
This “assignment of cause” has been seen this subsequently with the mosquito scare / zika virus. Zika, more likely relates to an environmental (or other) neurotoxin rather than a viral carrying mosquito.
Blood work will most often be performed next. If the lab work comes back positive for Lyme – the “assignment of cause” is once again reinforced.
But, here’s the rub … the labs are not looking for a bacteria.
Yawn factor coming up with the next nine paragraphs (you’ve been warned.)
Because of the difficulty in culturing Borrelia bacteria in the laboratory, diagnosis of Lyme disease is typically based on the clinical exam findings and a history of exposure to endemic Lyme areas. (Ryan KJ; Ray CG, eds. 2004. Sherris Medical Microbiology, 4th ed.)
Most assume that when one gets tested for “Lyme” that the specific laboratory is testing your blood to determine if the borrelia bacteria is present. There are a number of serological tests that are used today. Serology is the evaluation of serum (a component of blood) to look for antibodies formed in response to an exposure. PCR testing (see below) may be on the horizon, but for now what lab technicians are looking for, through a series of complex and indirect biochemical procedures – is the presence of antibodies to certain proteins that are conjectured to be associated with the borrelia bacteria. These proteins are believed to be an indication that the person has been exposed to certain “antigens” (ANY substance that induces an immune response, e.g. the borrelia bacteria.)
A two-tiered protocol is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control – the sensitive enzyme inked immunosorbent assay test is performed first, if it is positive, then the more specific Western blot is run. Studies show the Western blot IgM has a specificity of 94–96% for people with clinical symptoms of early Lyme disease. The initial enzyme inked immunosorbent assay test has a sensitivity of about 70%, and in two-tiered testing, the overall sensitivity is only 64%. (Wikipedia)
The above methods are not assessing a bacterial response yet are making the indirect conclusion that the presence of these specific proteins are evidence of the infectious borrelia bacteria.
So, Lyme testing is not testing for the presence of the borrelia bacteria– rather for protein particulates and stretches of genetic material that are interpreted to be specific for the borrelia bacteria and therefore concluded to be the bacteria!
Should the test come back positive (for a benign protein response) – the assignment of cause is applied. Ironically, there are many that test negative for the bacteria yet are still assigned the “Lyme” label.
The reliability of testing in diagnosis remains controversial. (Ryan KJ; Ray CG, eds. 2004. Sherris Medical Microbiology, 4th ed.)
Erroneous test results have been widely reported in both early and late stages of the disease. “Epstein–Barr virus and cytomegalovirus infections cause false-positive results in IgM two-test protocol for early Lyme borreliosis. Goossens HA, Nohlmans MK, van den Bogaard AE (1999).”
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for Lyme disease have also been developed to detect the genetic material (DNA) of the Lyme disease spirochete. PCR tests are the current means for detecting the presence of the organism – yet these methodologies remain inconclusive (lots of false positives.)
Okay, yawn factor over.
Within days to weeks after the initial and harmless response to a foreign irritant/bite, the theory is that the bacteria spreads throughout the body systems. An assortment of neurological issues, if observed are then attributed to the tick bite (facial palsy, meningitis, neck stiffness, neuropathy, skin sensations.)
Ironically, Dr. Hamer teaches us that meningitis may arise not only from an meningeal inflammatory process (remember most if not all Lyme symptoms are inflammatory healing phases) but also via a bacteria that has been introduced into the cerebrospinal fluid via an insect bite.
After months, years and even decades a vast sundry of sensory, motor and neurological issues as well as psychoses may arise. Time does not allow a full unfolding here as that would entail a much deeper study of German New Medicine. The main point I wish to express is that Lyme is truly not a stand alone entity unto itself – but rather a fluid mosaic of biological conflicts, mostly in resolution – that have been misinterpreted as a single infectious process.
Joint and muscle pain (a self-devaluation conflict), brain fog (a powerlessness, danger conflict – laterality dependent), skin rash (a separation conflict), bell’s palsy (a humiliation conflict), heavy limbs (a motor conflict), insomnia (a simultaneous conflict active and conflict resolution), migraines (a powerlessness, danger conflict – laterality dependent), psychoses (a constellation of biological conflicts), a general sense of feeling unwell (simultaneous, multiple healing phases), balance issues and vertigo (a hearing conflict) and on and on and on.
This is the core essence of Dr. Hamer’s discovery – that all disease (less trauma and poisoning) will only initiate if the individual has experienced an earlier DHS (biological conflict, biological Catch-22.) If one understands and more importantly witnesses this in his or her own life – then only will entities such as Lyme, AIDS, Zika and other syndromes makes sense.
A few years back a friend was diagnosed with Lyme. She tail-spinned into resignation and terror after the diagnosis and went downhill very quickly – eventually succumbing to all sorts of tangential conflicts and complications.
Call it the despair of a grim prognosis, a trance, a grip, a brainwash, a hypnosis, a somnolence. For as long as we remain spell bound, the prospect of recovery is hindered.
It is most often with a serious diagnosis of Lyme that we unwittingly slip into this medical morphogenic resonance field. One needs to be willing to embrace something new and authentic – to be willing to witness from a distinct perspective. All that is needed to perceive things differently is the subtle movement of the proverbial kaleidoscope that comes with knowledge, with understanding, with awareness, with mindfulness, with ownership.
All of which are amplified when we fall into fear and panic.
It is for this reason that it is vital to understand the role that alarm plays in biological programs such as these. When our survival is threatened by a diagnosis of Lyme one will all too frequently go down a slippery slope of absolute terror – the Kidney Collecting Tubules may initiate and compromise the outcome.
Clients will frequently hear me harp on the Kidney Collecting Tubules – as they play such an important role in navigating through any given healing phase. This is so important it is often the focus of our very first conversation.
When we are in a healing phase (parasympathetic) of one biological conflict and have a secondary active conflict (sympathetic) of the kidney collecting tubules – we will experience what Dr. Hamer refers to as the Kidney Collecting Tubule Syndrome (KCTS.) This is also known as a water retention conflict, where the kidney collecting tubules ‘tighten up’ and where there is minimum fluid (urine) excretion and maximum fluid retention along with elevated kidney enzymes when in deep conflict.
The organism is functioning in both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system – this can be very depleting for the individual.
This syndrome amplifies to all healing phase symptoms – but it is due to conflict activity in the kidney collecting tubules, not just an organ healing phase!
This syndrome creates increased fluid retention, swelling, inflammation, pain and pain management issues.
In other words – complications!
Complications abound when the Kidney Collecting Tubules Syndrome is present on both the organ and most seriously on the cerebral level. With a true understanding of this Syndrome the majority of special biological programs need not reach the extremes we observe under a traditional watch. In that standard, panic and alarm inherent within the paradigm set into motion additional complications that critically muddle the outcome, crippling the prospect of recovery. The gravity of the diagnosis along with the treatment protocol reflect in those statistical extremes.
I was in session last month with a young man diagnosed with “Lyme.”
His main symptoms began a few weeks after his wife’s memorial.
He was experiencing severe lower body joint aches, brain fog and overall fatigue.
As background, he was the sole care giver during the last years of her life. He tended to her every need, medical and otherwise. He had his own physical limitations that prevented him from full function.
It was all too much. He was struggling to provide her the physical assistance she required, He had no option but to do it all himself.
One day she fell, badly injuring herself and he remembers thinking, “I can’t lift her,” “I need help,” “I can’t do this.”
This was the moment that his capabilities, his very worthiness to care for her was affected. His moment of self-devaluation that ultimately affected his hips, knees and ankles.
During conflict activity – cell loss occurs in the tissue of the affected joints, causing both structural and function loss.
Once his wife passed, he was liberated from being a care-giver and went into resolution of this self-devaluation.
The healing phase encompasses swelling, inflammation and pain.
The biological meaning of this particular conflict is revealed in the healing phase where the area in question is strengthened – so it is stronger than before and less susceptible to future conflict.
Ongoing fatigue could be the healing phase of a leukemic conflict, the relapsing (or hanging) healing phase of really any conflict or the healing phase of an adrenal conflict. In his case, it was the latter as the adrenal medulla was involved. This was a unendurable stress situation for him which went on for years.
With his brain fog we unearthed a thyroid duct conflict – powerlessness (for a right hander) possibly with an element of danger. Powerlessness for him was more along the lines of … “I am unable, incapable of really changing this situation and she’s going to die (danger.)”
The ducts widen (ulcerate) during conflict activity to allow more thyroxine to be delivered to the bloodstream to help the organism “gain control” by increasing the metabolism.
The ulcerations heal and swell upon conflict resolution – occluding the ducts, limiting thyroxine from getting into the bloodstream. This is the nature of hypothyroidism.
The present theory is that the diminished thyroid hormones allow for a decrease in microglial activity leading to brain inflammation and degeneration (the microglia cells are the brain’s immune cells – it’s their job to react to foreign invaders, clean up debris and plaque and dissolve dead neurons.) The microglial are necessary for optimal neuronal communication and healthy brain function.
Before concluding I did wish to touch upon what has become known as Lyme Brain – memory loss, confusion, brain fog, word repetition, difficulty retrieving vocabulary et al.
When we understand a client’s symptomatic presentation that is being labeled Lyme brain – we can begin to understand conflict.
We’ve already discussed brain fog / memory loss is an affected sensory cortex and oft the result of a (double) separation conflict / difficulty retrieving vocabulary – a broca conflict / disorientation, confusion – a kidney collecting tubule conflict.
I hope you are starting to see the way we dissect a client’s symptomatic presentation. In the next blog we’ll delve more deeply into this phenomenon of Lyme Brain.
Ironically, most if not all of the biological conflicts that are attributed to “Lyme” originate from the higher brain or cerebral cortex where there is only viral (if viruses exist) activity as part of the healing phase – not bacterial!
Chronic symptoms are well described and are known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, often called chronic Lyme disease. Some healthcare providers claim that it is due to ongoing infection; however, this is not believed to be true, due to the inability to detect infectious organisms after standard treatment. (Wikipedia)
This alone place a major stumbling block in the borrelia/lyme theory.
If the healing phase is extended – then the client has relapsed.
Relapses are a result of tracks – subconscious reminders of the original conflict that will reopen the biological program (disease.) The challenge with any German New Medicine session is to properly address these reminders that can delay a complete clearing. Tracks act as reminders that contribute the chronicity and recurrence of the biological conflicts interpreted as Lyme Disease.
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