Sleep Apnea. Insomnia.
Homer was a man from Apnea,
each night, a gasp for air of course.
It’s a hanging EC, as plain as could be,
his myocardium being the source.
Simpson ran at the track, in hopes of a cure,
only to find the track was the lure.
Okay, that’s my lame attempt at poetry. I’ll stop. :’)
Not sure what’s in the drinking water of late but I had two clients this month with sleep apnea so decided to blog about the condition.
If we are basing the apnea upon Dr. Hamer’s research, we need to look for a biological conflict relative to being over burdened, overwhelmed, not being able to take on or handle anything more.
Let’s look at heart muscle as sleep apnea is essentially a resolved myocardial conflict that keeps getting reactivated usually at night. In the case of sleep apnea the diaphragm is inherently linked in as well.
Since relationships play a vital role relative to the myocardium, it is crucial to accurately determine that persons laterality in order to ascertain the correct relationship (mother/child or partner) responsible for the conflict of over burden, overwhelm.
Keep in mind due to quirks in the evolutionary development of the heart – the traditional laterality affects are reversed. (I know, yawn.)
The side of the heart affected will provide us the needed information as to the relationship associated with the overwhelm.
The frequency of apnea can range from 5-45 times per hour! The actual apnea or temporary cessation of breathing occurs (along with a partial paralysis of the diaphragm) at the epileptoid crisis. The epileptoid crisis is simply the midpoint of the healing phase relative to the myocardium. The conflict resolution is essentially ‘hanging’ or stuck and is re-triggered each night via tracks.
When we experience the apnea we have gone on a track. We’ll need to identify the moment in time we experienced the original biological conflict of overwhelm and then be very conscious of reminders that connect us back and re-open it.
One of my clients mentioned above first experienced the sleep apnea shortly after when his mom had gone into the dreaded hospital/rehab/hospital cycle. Caring for an aging parent, with limited resources can be trying to say the least.
What was interesting was the apnea was not nightly, rather it was most common on weekends. This was a huge clue for us. I asked him what was unique about the weekends? He explained to me that his two sisters cared for his mom during the week and he took over on the weekend.
We arranged to get his three adult children involved to ease the weekend burden. It’s only been a couple of weeks and he’s still experiencing the apnea but the frequency throughout the night as diminished. There are obviously more tracks we need to uncover.
Now, when people hear “myocardium” there is concern as to whether or not it is safe to delve into this particular conflict; the answer is yes – as the conflict goes into resolution each night!
Traditional treatment involves the use of continuous positive airway pressure machines (cpap) that uses positive airway pressure to help you breathe. The results of cpap have been mixed with the biggest complaint being insomnia of all things stemming from one’s inability to adapt to the clunky apparatus.
When the original conflict and tracks are discovered and the client is able to consciously connect-all-the-dots, the apnea can stop very quickly.
GNM brings to those suffering with sleep apnea an enormous amount of hope.
Apnea should not be confused with insomnia.
Insomnia is a by-product of a conflict active phase(s) and or healing phase(s) affecting our normal daytime and nighttime rhythms. In general, if we have a hard time falling to sleep – we are in a healing phase or multiple healing phases. When we are able to fall asleep without issue but then are wide awake in the middle of the night – we are in a conflict active phase or phases.
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