Bedwetter’s Anonymous.
Soggy sheets. Soiled pajamas. Sorry faces.
Megan Cartwright, in her July 2015 expose, Bedwetting is not a moral failing, points out some of “the bizarre, desperate and occasionally cruel medical treatments for a common complaint.”
Bedwetting, known as nocturnal enuresis may be your child developing night time bladder control. Dr. Hamer shows us it is more often reflective of a unique biological conflict of demarcation.
In children, it often relates to being bullied at school or social events. Bullying can take the form of physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying, cyber bullying and gender bullying. Bullying can be very subtle.
It might be an older sibling that doesn’t respect the younger one’s property or privacy – constantly entering their room and taking their toys or having to now share a room with a new sibling. A friend who “crosses the line.” An unwanted and inappropriate touching can be perceived as violation of the child’s personal space. The possibilities are endless, but the essence is about boundaries.
When a child is unable to set boundaries, when they are unable to take a stand on a situation or unwilling to establish the limits to their territory or nest, when they are unable to draw a line in the sand or put their foot down – they may experience that situation as a biological conflict of demarcation which relates on the organ level to the bladder musculature. Whew, that was one long run-on sentence!
During conflict activity, an ulceration or cell loss of the striated musculature of the bladder wall occurs along with a relaxation of the bladder sphincter – in order so that one can demarcate one’s territory more effectively.
At the peak of the conflict resolution, known as the Epileptoid Crisis (EC) is when the bedwetting will be experienced. The EC is a momentary return or replay of the conflict active phase, so the bladder sphincter will open once again in order to demarcate one’s territory. This is the biological purpose of the incontinence!
Chronic bedwetters (in adults we call it incontinence) are simply relapsing due to falling onto “tracks.” When the original conflict and tracks are discovered and the client is able to consciously connect-all-the-dots, the enuresis can stop very quickly.
Why at night? Overnight, we go deep into what is called, in German New Medicine… vagotonia. Simply put, we go into deep into the conflict resolution phase, of which the EC is a part thereof.
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