Releasing a biological conflict is not simply unearthing it, acknowledging it and pondering it.Releasing a biological conflict is a matter of understanding the conflict with greater perspective and in a grander context.
Misinterpretastasis. Understanding the ‘theory and interpretation’ of metastasis. The standard medicine tells us that a primary cancer has spread (‘mets’) to a secondary and tertiary organ. This is commonly known as the theory of metastasis. Yet, even the prevalent mechanisms are mere hypotheses. For those that have been following these blog posts | case studies – you’re already quite familiar with the notion that a biological conflict will impact us
A waist is a terrible thing to mind.
Obesity. The obesity epidemic is due, in part, to the societal changes that have taken root over the last half-century. This is weight that will not come off through proper diet, exercise or supplementation. It is weight that boomerangs back after the paleo or low carb diet ends. It is an evolutionary survival program expressing itself. It will not change until the psyche is able to release the conflict and all tracks. Upon release, the
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence. AI. Artificial Intelligence, is a 2001 sci-fi film directed by Steven Spielberg. Set in a futuristic society, A.I. tells the story of a childlike android uniquely programmed with the ability to experience emotion. As the movie unfolds we see the complex nature of emotions. They are multi-faceted and interconnected. It’s the same when approaching biological conflicts. Their complexity must be appreciated. When utilizing modalities such as EFT (I have practiced EFT,
The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)
The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) 1:30 sec. – 2:50 sec. (pay close attention at 2:09 sec. – 2:10 sec.) The DHS or Dirk Hamer Syndrome is the loving acronym that Dr. Hamer coined to define the initiating shock that catalyzes all disease as well as all functional change. The above scene from the 2004 film “Ray” (The Life of Ray Charles) starring Jamie Foxx so eloquently depicts the young Ray Charles experiencing a DHS. A DHS (also referred to
Liver Cancer. Bile Duct Cancer.
Liver Cancer. Bile Duct Cancer. Starvation. It’s about what sustains us – nutritionally, financially, emotionally and spiritually. An individual can experience a biological conflict of starvation in real time, in real terms. This is an “old brain” conflict about survival. In the animal kingdom, a ‘morsel’ is literal. In our human realm, it is more often figurative – a situation, scenario, event, occurrence, relationship, person or job that is the morsel necessary for our sustenance.
Viruses. How Much Is That Dogma In The Window?
How Much Is That Dogma In The Window? How Dogma coalesces out of the ethers is a multi-faceted question and one that is best not examined here. I have to state that I am not a big conspiracy theorist, denialist or the like, yet when I began researching all of this I was shocked at what I discovered. I also do understand this to be a clearly controversial topic. You’ll have to decide
The Kidney Collecting Tubules
The Kidney Collecting Tubules. Ultra Important! Clients will frequently hear me harp on the kidney collecting tubules as they play such an important role in navigating through any given healing phase. This is so important it is often the focus of our very first conversation. When we are in a healing phase (parasympathetic) of one biological conflict and have a secondary active conflict (sympathetic) of the kidney collecting tubules – we will experience what Dr.
Rosacea. Millions are affected by rosacea. Some famous faces past and present include; Rembrandt, W.C. Fields, Princess Diana, Bill Clinton, Renee Zellweger and Cameron Diaz. In German New Medicine, rosacea is concerned with a biological conflict primarily of the facial capillaries. The capillaries respond to a self devaluation that embraces a shading of embarrassment or humiliation. The embarrassment self devaluation conflict centers around being ashamed, tainted, ugly, deformed, less than whole, less than
Gout and doubt.
Gout and doubt. It’s been called the Disease of Kings. The theory being that gout is due to a Kings diet rich in protein, as proteins are broken down into uric acid – the theorized cause. As the cartoon above expresses, gout most commonly affects the big toe but it can affect other joints that the psyche has experienced as doubt, in the form of a self-devaluation. Gout, in German New Medicine is