Heart Attacks. Myocardial Infarcts | Coronary Infarcts. The standard explanation of heart disease is based upon assumptions, statistics and interpretation. Plaque and cholesterol are indeed found within the arteries of some heart attack patients. This cannot be denied. Plaque and cholesterol creating a blockage initiating a heart attack though, is an interpretation. We are told that high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, family history, lack of exercise and fatty diets are all potential culprits.
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. An exacting expression of Dr. Hamer’s findings. I would like to share my own story about being privileged to be able to know the exact moment of my own biological conflict-shock and the exact moment of its resolution. In February of 2009 my mother was diagnosed with stage 3-b metastatic adenocarcinoma (alveolar lung cancer.) I was with her when she received the diagnosis as it hit me like a ton if
Varicose Veins. Spider Veins. Phlebitis. Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Varicose Veins. During a recent consultation, the topic of varicose veins arose. Varicose veins are large, raised, swollen blood vessels that twist and turn. They usually develop in the legs and can be seen through the skin. In German New Medicine, the biological (not psychological) conflict is a lesser self-devaluation relative to freedom of movement, or lack thereof. Feeling as if you cannot shake off, get away, escape, break free or be
German New Medicine Consulting

German New Medicine Consulting. (A Little Humor.) The brilliant new thought paradigm of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer flips conventional medicine on it’s head while turning it inside out. Quite a statement, I know. Nothing I have studied thus far in the healing arts comes close to the insights that German New Medicine offers. In Spanish, it’s called La Medicina Sagrada or The Sacred Medicine. Without pause, it is the medicine of the future. It
Shingles and The German New Medicine

Shingles. I recently had a phone consultation with an older woman that had a mild to moderate case of shingles. She was convinced that since she had chickenpox at an earlier age, the virus had simply been dormant. The accepted theory is that the chickenpox virus lies dormant in the spinal cord nerves until something triggers a reactivation. This is just a theory. The outbreak for her was along her left buttocks and thigh. I
Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma (SMZL)

Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma. In German New Medicine the biological conflict responsible for Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma (SMZL) relates to a what is known as a blood or injury conflict as the result of a physical injury where there is blood. As a relatively rare lymphoma affecting the spleen, it could be a physical injury that was experienced (with or without blood), the shock of being physically wounded (with or without blood), seeing

Eczema is a biological conflict in German New Medicine that is all about relationships. Laterality will therefore apply. Eczema revolves around the two sided concept of a separation. Wishing to be separated or wishing to be reunited. It’s main focus is on touch. As we enter the conflict active phase, it is the epidermis that is affected, although no ulcers will be visible, there will be some sensory loss and potentially some memory loss. As
A New Light on Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer The German New Medicine teaches us that there are two fundamental types of breast cancer, glandular and ductal. As we look at glandular – the biological conflict is a territorial nest-worry (the worry over the well-being of a loved one.) It can also center around an argument, a quarrel or rift regarding a nest or family member. The relationship involved is crucial as it will determine which breast is involved. If the conflict
Dental Cavities. Captain Crunch never served his country.

Dental Cavities. Captain Crunch never served his country. We’ve been told cavities are the result of too much sugar (sorry Captain Crunch), too much acidity, too much bacteria, too much plaque. While bacteria, plaque and pH are all at the dance – they are not the causative factor. Relative to our teeth, German New Medicine shows us that during the conflict active phase of a biological bite conflict, osteolysis or ulcerations take place
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and GNM

Interstitial Cystitis. Bladder Pain Syndrome. IC/BPS Interstitial Cystitis (IC) also known as Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder.IC/BPS may be associated with urinary urgency, frequency and waking at night to urinate (nocturia.) As a German New Medicine consultant we understand the biological conflict responsible for Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a boundary demarcation. Someone has “crossed the line.” Unable to demarcate ones boundaries, establish