Interstitial Cystitis. Bladder Pain Syndrome. IC/BPS

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and GNM

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) also known as Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder.IC/BPS may be associated with urinary urgency, frequency and waking at night to urinate (nocturia.)

As a German New Medicine consultant we understand the biological conflict responsible for Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a boundary demarcation. Someone has “crossed the line.” Unable to demarcate ones boundaries, establish one’s boundaries, ones territory, in woman – unable to take a stand, draw a line in the sand, put your foot down. Someone encroaching on your private space, territory.

In German New Medicine, the use of the term conflict is very different from that of its use in psychology. In GNM, a biological conflict is a Catch-22 of the psyche. A trauma, shock or dilemma which the individual must overcome in order to insure it’s biological integrity or survival. The Catch-22 lies in the fact that the biological conflict cannot, at least at that moment in time be resolved. A stalemate of sorts ensues, but like any good stalemate something has to give, so nature intercedes to take the ‘weight’ of the distress off of the psyche and shift it to the organ.

The ‘weight’ is translated into a compensatory emergency biological program that expresses on the cellular level that the body is able to run or process over time. With interstitial cystitis – the program expresses itself within the submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder. This is nature’s way of shifting the “weight” from the psyche to the organ level as the translation buys time for the possibility of a conflict resolution.

What standard medicine calls a cystitis, is in reality a meaningful adaptive program created to assist us in resolving a difficult biological demarcation catch-22. During the conflict active phase of the biological conflict, ulcerations will occur in order to widen the bladder (no symptoms) – the biological meaning is to enlarge the inside of the bladder to hold more urine so one can have sufficient urine to ‘mark’ one’s territory or boundary.

Frequent urination will be evident during the conflict active phase, no pain or discomfort. The biological meaning (5th law of GNM) is found in the conflict active phase – to enlarge the inside of the bladder to hold more urine. Once the conflict is resolved there will be bladder infections – painful swelling, bleeding, irritation, and spasms of the bladder musculature (EC.) We need to look at when this first began and what placed it into resolution.

We also need to look at tracks at this point. Tracks are conscious and subconscious stimuli that will reopen the original biological conflict preventing a completion of the biological program and a complete healing – turning this into a chronic condition. Every time the nature of the conflict is re-experienced, it will express through the program opening up again and trigger a cystitis.

Whenever we are dealing with cystitis we also need to look to see if the bladder musculature is involved. The biological conflict associated with the musculature is a self devaluation (SDC) relative to one’s INABILITY – to the above conflict, affecting the striated musculature of the bladder wall. During the conflict active phase of this SDC biological conflict, a necrosis of the striated musculature of the bladder wall will occur with a relaxation of the sphincter. Once the conflict is resolved, the bladder necrosis heals and the bladder muscle relaxes – albeit with scarring.

This is the conflict responsible for the scarring, hardening and lack of ability of the bladder to stretch, sometimes resulting in end stage bladder. We need to stop any further damage asap. The most hopeful outcome is if and when the individual can resolve the conflict very early on and address all tracks.

Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and GNM

2 thoughts on “Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and GNM

  • December 7, 2015 at 6:14 am

    being ‘PISSED OFF’ at continually having to back off, back down, having one’s territory invaded…


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