Dr. Neal Robert Smookler a German New Medicine Practitioners U.S.

Looking at an adenocarcinoma of the lung gives us a breathtaking round-earth perspective of the meaningful interplay of consciousness, brain and organ. We find the biological conflict centers around a “death fright”, e.g. a cancer diagnosis that is perceived as a “death sentence”, i.e. one has been told they have six months to live.

From a biological perspective, a death fright is equated with being unable to breathe, GASP. Anyone who has ever received such news will recognize the GASP reflex. As the consciousness interprets the biological theme of the event, simultaneously the shock impacts a very specific relay switch within the brain, in this case, the brainstem.

The moment the brain receives that impact, the information is immediately communicated to the corresponding target organ, in this example – the lung, which is placed on emergency stand-by; a total preoccupation with the shock is reflected with the cold hands, insomnia and loss of appetite of the stress response – all mirroring the individuals attempt at resolving the news.

Automatically, the alveolar cells of the lung (air sacs) which regulate breathing, begin to proliferate forming what medicine calls a tumor.

Yet, upon a slight movement of the kaleidoscope, an intelligent survival program emerges – the significance of the additional cells (tumor) serves to increase the available alveolar surface area, lung capacity in order to extract more oxygen to assist the individual through the death fright conflict-shock, thereby optimizing the individuals chance of survival. You see, nature is not in fact flawed, fallible and diseased. German New Medicine makes sense of illness, perhaps for the very first time and authenticates that disease is not a mistake of nature, but rather an intrinsic part thereof. That Mother Nature is not fallible and continuously susceptible to break down. With a liberation from fear and panic that can only come from an understanding of the biological purpose of disease, are we able to arrive at new conclusions.

Contrary to the accepted perspective, this multiplication of lung cells is not a pointless flat-earth process but rather serves a very definite biological purpose. The tumor growth will be in direct correlation to the intensity and duration of the shock. The cellular mitosis will continue until the conflict-shock is resolved, at that moment the consciousness releases the special program, as it is no longer needed – and the cells, as if on cue, stop replicating.

The New Medicine reveals that disease is not caused by malfunctions but rather is initiated by a Biological Conflict and an Emergency Adaptation Response that assists an individual during times of unexpected emotional distress. Whenever a living organism experiences an unexpected, highly acute trauma, one that is too overwhelming to process – nature intercedes to take the ‘weight’ of the distress off of the psyche and shift it to the body (organ). The ‘weight’ is translated into a compensatory special biological program that manifests on the organ level – that the body is able to run or process over time. This is nature’s way of satisfying Abraham Maslow’s need for self preservation as the translation from the consciousness to the body (organ) buys time for the possibility of a conflict resolution.

But we’re not done – now the repair crews come in for clean-up detail. The overgrowth of cells will be decomposed via mycobacteria and eliminated. If the microbes are absent, the nodules will be encased off as a harmless remnant of the biological program that has run its course.

The above referenced material reflects Dr. Neal Smookler’s individually held sincere belief regarding GNM. Members, of course may believe about GNM as they wish; they need not believe as Neal does to receive wonderful benefits. Dr. Neal Robert Smookler a German New Medicine Practitioners U.S.
FLAT EARTH. ROUND EARTH. – German New Medicine Practitioners U.S.

One thought on “FLAT EARTH. ROUND EARTH. – German New Medicine Practitioners U.S.

  • September 24, 2017 at 1:59 am

    Spot on Neal. I’m 68 male and It took a little time to understand the conflict triggering my ‘polymyalgia rheumatica’ .That night, what dawned on me,as Dr Hamer said it’s like a switch was flicked. [The muscles had necrosed mimicking left/right . This laterality issue had me in doubt. I assumed it to be one side or the other ] The muscle cramps through that night were torcherous at the same time welcoming and continued spasmodically during the following days.
    [?? one’s system could deplete magnesium to allow isometric gym routines to take place. Also those with cancer have low levels of silver … ??to control and manage the bacteria and microbes at a the DHS site ]
    As months passed, muscle bulk has regained, unbelievable. Poly-wally doodled off. My self-worth restored. Have to resolve [ Daughter/ grand children ] numbness in fingers now. Tracking? I’m in NZ they move from Australia to LA -USA too far for me to help them.
    I now realize why [ this newly named disease ] Strikes predominately ‘ Northern European women 70+ and can last 2 to 8 years+.
    Yes. Lack of self-worth. DHS Bluntly …. I’m no good any more for/at sex now . [ Check out the muscle groups involved ] Right on the button!!
    GMN is right on the money, Sadly most of humanity are in denial. ‘ It sounds too good to be true’ they say.
    Thanking you for keeping Dr Hamer’s research available.

    The moon, we’re told sucks on the oceans, hence tides. The atmosphere is lighter than water ……. we all suckered!!! [What keeps it in???


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