My Sweet George, (uh, err) Lord.


Lung Cancer – German New Medicine.


In 1999, The Beatle’s George Harrison had his home broken into in the middle of the night. He was stabbed in the chest more than forty times. Harrison said in a statement read out to a packed Oxford Crown Court …“There were times during the violent struggle that I truly believed I was dying.” Source

In an earlier German New Medicine blog, I discussed the concept of taking the five biological laws out for a spin. I hope with this blog and future ones, to give your “bike’ a little push.

After you’ve read the above article, let’s come back and take a look at these events from the perspective of German New Medicine.

George Harrison smoked heavily his entire life, yet in his twenties, thirties, forties and fifties had no lung issues. It was only after the unanticipated shocking events described above that he was diagnosed.

Now, I wish to be clear. I was not privy to George Harrison’s medical history, so what follows is pure conjecture, consider it for it’s entertainment value only. Yet I lay it out so we can all start to observe life’s events and life’s illnesses through a new kaleidoscope.

“In 1999, The Beatle’s George Harrison had his home broken into in the middle of the night.” … a potential territorial aggression conflict – the healing phase of which is a bronchial carcinoma or ‘lung cancer.’

“He was stabbed in the chest more than forty times … a potential attack against the chest (pleura) conflict – during the conflict active phase a pleural carcinoma or ‘lung cancer’ may be diagnosed.

“There were times during the violent struggle that I truly believed I was dying” … a potential fear of dying conflict – during the conflict active phase an adenocarcinoma or ‘lung cancer’ may be diagnosed.

“There were times during the violent struggle that I truly believed I was dying” … a potential impending danger, being confronted by danger or helplessness, having no control (dependent upon George’s laterality) – the healing phase of which a small cell carcinoma or ‘lung cancer’ may be mistakenly diagnosed.

In 2001, George Harrison died of ‘lung cancer’ which was attributed to smoking.

Place this under the food for thought, things that may you go, hmmm category.

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My Sweet George (uh, err) Lord
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