

(5,4,3,2,1)   During the month of July, a (quite) informal poll was taken via phone, email and text as to newmedicineonline.com‘s most popular blogs.  A big thank you to all that participated. The results came in as follows … Leon Festinger’s very happy right now. As a broad brushstroke – the immune system is essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution. The concept of the immune system weakening or failing

GNM “life classroom”

GNM “life classroom”

Over the past few years, a restructuring of our session format has been underway – to include more practical application and focus on the sharing of perspectives, observations and insights. To present German New Medicine in a way that is tangible, relevant and of course … far from boring! Let’s face it – one can only take so much endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm in one sitting. I can’t take full credit for this “life classroom”