Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal Failure.
As a GNM practitioner, I often see Adrenal fatigue and failure confused with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CSF)
Today we will discuss adrenal fatigue and failure. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and are comprised of the adrenal cortex (new mesoderm) and the adrenal medulla (endoderm). The adrenal glands produce cortisol, adrenaline, dopamine, noradrenaline, ACTH, and some sexual hormones like testosterone and estrogens.
The adrenal medulla (endoderm) is primarily responsible for adrenaline, dopamine and noradrenaline production.
The biological conflict reflective of an adrenal fatigue diagnosis is an unendurable stress scenario, a life situation that can no longer be withstood.
During the conflict active phase we will see an increased hormonal secretion of adrenaline, dopamine and noradrenaline.
Once the conflict is “put to bed and all tucked in” (resolved) there will be a degradation of the adrenal tissue with TB mycobacteria which is sometimes diagnosed as Waterhouse -Friderichsen Syndrome)
The biological meaning of this Special Program is evident in the conflict active phase. In the conflict phase elevated stress hormones are necessary to be able to endure the conflict situation. In the next blog we’ll tackle chronic fatigue syndrome (CSF.)
If and when the individual can resolve the conflict and address all tracks, a slow return to normal will ensue.
Hello Dr. Price,I am an acupuncturist, very much instreeted in the German New medicine. I try to treat people with acupuncture according to the biological laws of doctor Hamer.I like this way of seeing things, but your webinars will be broadcasted in the middle of the night here. I need to sleep too. Is it possible to get the webinar on a dvd or via mail?I would be delighted if this could be arranged, Thank you in advance.Kind regards,Hessl MunnikesAlmere, Holland
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