In the 1998 movie, City of Angels starring Meg Ryan there is a wonderful line where she is describing the taste of a pear to Nicholas Cage who has never had that experience. From the movie script … ‘Describe it. Like Hemingway. Well, it tastes like … a pear. You don’t know what a pear tastes like? I don’t know what a pear tastes like to you.’ In order to understand what a pear is
Hamer Rings. Hamerscher Herde.

I recently had an associate state that Hamer Rings are indeed artifacts of the technology. When I inquired as to how he came to that conclusion, he stated that he had extensively studied the internet. Oh, my! Keep in mind this individual never looked at a CT in his life nor has ever studied GNM. The ring formations have a clinical radiological ‘course’, i.e. the sequential follow-up CT’s show them at the same