(5,4,3,2,1) During the month of July, a (quite) informal poll was taken via phone, email and text as to newmedicineonline.com‘s most popular blogs. A big thank you to all that participated. The results came in as follows … Leon Festinger’s very happy right now. As a broad brushstroke – the immune system is essentially a weaving in and out of conflict activity and conflict resolution. The concept of the immune system weakening or failing

“GNMOLOGY.” Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer flips conventional medicine on it’s head while turning it inside out. Quite a statement, I know. If you are new to German New Medicine it is often a challenge to wrap one’s mind around it all – this is normal. It is for that reason that education is intrinsically woven into all of phone and FaceTime sessions. For the participant to have an authentic grasp of German New