In the 1998 movie, City of Angels starring Meg Ryan there is a wonderful line where she is describing the taste of a pear to Nicholas Cage who has never had that experience. From the movie script … ‘Describe it. Like Hemingway. Well, it tastes like … a pear. You don’t know what a pear tastes like? I don’t know what a pear tastes like to you.’ In order to understand what a pear is

Catch-22. The Conflict Shock.

Catch-22. The Conflict Shock.

Catch-22 (ˈkætʃˌtwɛn tiˈtu) noun 1. a frustrating situation in which one is trapped by contradictory regulations or conditions. 2. any illogical or paradoxical problem or situation; dilemma. 3. a condition preventing the resolution of a problem or situation; catch. German New Medicine is often lumped into the generic mind-body blah, blah, blah. The New Medicine is not about your thoughts creating a cancer or this-and-that disease. It is not an approach negativism that your “stinkin’

Humble Beginnings. The German New Medicine Scientific Chart.

Humble Beginnings. The German New Medicine Scientific Chart.

Oh, that over-sized red, orange and yellow ‘art work’ would elicit puzzling looks and inquisitive stares. It was, of course the behemoth Scientific Chart of The New Medicine. Quite hard to miss. People for some reason were fascinated with it. I think many were simply wondering how was it possible to get all that information onto one large poster. When I began to share the New Medicine way back when, clients would stop me to