Endometriosis and Fibroids

Endometriosis and Fibroids

Endometriosis and Fibroids. Often dismissed as women’s troubles, endometriosis affects one woman in ten of reproductive age. Far too many women are turned away by their doctors and told they must put up with the pain or even that they are imagining it. *In the US, Heather C. Guidone who works at the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta, Georgia and has herself been through twenty operations for severe endometriosis, said women are still told

Tonsillitis. Tonsil Stones.

Tonsillitis. Tonsil Stones.

Tonsillitis. Tonsil Stones. Seen most often in children, tonsillitis reflects a basic biological conflict theme of want, don’t want. Dinnertime is the perfect storm for ‘morsel’ conflicts. How often do our children refuse to eat something due to it’s texture or taste? How often do they only want the ice cream cone or sweet dessert and not the broccoli. In German New Medicine, the tonsils react to what are known as ‘morsel’ conflicts. In the

Grand mal seizure and Epilepsy

Grand mal seizure and Epilepsy

Grand mal seizure and Epilepsy A grand mal seizure also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure features violent muscle contractions and at times, a loss of consciousness. It’s the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures in general. In German New Medicine when the resolution of a motor conflict occurs at the same moment in time as the resolution of a separation conflict we will experience the grand mal. I was

Dizziness & Vertigo

Dizziness & Vertigo

Dizziness & Vertigo We’ll start at the end and end at the start. Already got you spinnin’, eh? Dizziness is, at best annoying, but usually is described as scary and unnerving. For most people, vertigo is terrifying. We’ve never known a client to enjoy vertigo, much less want to experience it again. The sensation is so unpleasant that most people will go out of their way to avoid dizziness and or vertigo. There is a

Ear infection

Ear infection

Ear infection. Otitis Media. Ever have on of those moments where you had to double back over what you thought you just heard? Surely, you misunderstood what was said? Nope. You heard it correctly. Otitis media, the common ear infection, is the expression of a resolved hearing ‘morsel’ conflict affecting the middle ear. In the animal kingdom, a ‘morsel’ is literal. In our human realm, it is more often figurative – as in not being

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

Planters Fascist or Plantar Fasciitis? (a tongue-in-cheek case study.) He was created in 1916, in the midst of WWI, by a fourteen year old boy; Antonio Gentile, the winner of a contest to create the new company logo for Planters. Gentile submitted a drawing of a peanut man along with an interesting name – Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe, aka, Mr. Peanut. Planters Mr. Peanut, a fascist nut? Probably not. Did you see him recently on CNN’s

Hamer Rings. Hamerscher Herde.

German New Medicine, New Medicine, German, New, Medicine, GNM, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Dr., Hamer, Ryke, Geerd, Ilsedora Laker, Caroline Markolin, Five, Biological, Laws, German New Medicine practitioner, German New Medicine consulting, GNM practitioner, Cancer, Dr. Neal Smookler, Massachusetts, boston, Massachusetts, alternative medicine, German New Medicine seminars, German New teachers, German New Medicine education, Dirk, Germanische, Heilkunde, the five biological laws, holistic health, wellness, alternative health,

    I recently had an associate state that Hamer Rings are indeed artifacts of the technology. When I inquired as to how he came to that conclusion, he stated that he had extensively studied the internet. Oh, my! Keep in mind this individual never looked at a CT in his life nor has ever studied GNM. The ring formations have a clinical radiological ‘course’, i.e. the sequential follow-up CT’s show them at the same