Bronchitis & Pneumonia
Is it even plausible that an experience on the level of one’s consciousness can express itself in the body?
A visit to the dentist and our blood pressure elevates. Our mouth waters over a delicious looking desert. Anyone who has ever experienced butterflies in the tummy, dry mouth, sweaty palms and heart racing upon arising for the big office presentation understands its validity and most have experienced these most rudimental illustrations. To see the connection between the psyche and the body is not difficult.
Are more serious diseases manifest this way? Is that possible?
Pneumonia, in German New Medicine is the resolution or healing phase of a bronchial program coupled with the conflict active phase of a kidney collecting tubule program, KCTP.
Bronchitis first.
In 2008, my uncle was rushed to the hospital with a ruptured gall bladder. For his family, especially my cousin, his daughter – it was a month of absolute terror (her fear, fright, scare for a nest member) for her to witness, watching her father endure such trials, pain and horrors. I could see how pushed to the edge she was.
After my uncle passed and she was getting ready to go back to Maryland – I told her not to be too surprised if she gets “sick” once she settles back into her routine. This was in my early days of GNM but I new that this intense trauma may have hit her in a number of possible ways, of exactly which I could not be sure. I simply told her to be prepared for a potentially intense healing phase. I left it as “who knows, perhaps I’m wrong. I hope so.”
After she settled at home and came to terms with what she was witness to the previous month she resolved into one of the absolute worst cases of bronchitis her doctors had ever seen. It dragged on for months, seemingly resistant to all antibiotics.
When we experience a territorial fear (males and or post menopausal females) or a nest fear (females) or aggression therein (it’s really about feeling safe) the bronchial lining will undergo an ulceration process where there is microscopic necrosis or cell loss. This is a normal evolutionary response when experiencing higher brain conflicts – as the “relay switch” is located in the sensory cortex. The purpose of the ulceration process is too widen the bronchi in order to facilitate greater oxygen intake to assist the individual through the territorial fear.
It is only upon entering the healing phase (conflict resolved!) that we will express swelling within the bronchi and be diagnosed with a case of bronchitis.
When a motor component (e.g. feeling stuck relative to the territorial fear) is involved there will be coughing as well, in order to help expel the mucous. This is directed from the motor, not sensory cortex.
The standard take on pneumonia is that of a bacterial invasion (infection) as the causative agent. What we observe in GNM is that bacteria are indeed present and can be clearly observed in the tissue. There is no disputing that. In GNM what differs is their meaning and their role.
Through the Second and Fourth biological laws of The New Medicine, Dr. Hamer has observed that bacteria are naturally present in the body at all times, although remain “dormant” until needed. This is a symbiotic relationship at play.
The bacteria that are so often observed associated with pneumonia will proliferate as the healing phase unfolds. Their very specific role – to assist in the replenishment of the ulcerations that occurred during the conflict active phase. This is the clearly observed “infection.”
Where the misinterpretation falls is in the fact that the bacteria are not at cause of the symptoms. The symptoms are the natural expression of the programs course, the bacteria playing an essential part thereof.
Now, pneumonia.
When we are in a healing phase of one biological conflict, in this case the bronchi and have a secondary active conflict, KCTP running we will experience what Dr. Hamer refers to as The Syndrome, KCTS.
The Kidney Collecting Tubule Syndrome, KCTS – also known as a water retention conflict, where there is minimum fluid excretion and maximum fluid retention.
This conflict amplifies all healing phase symptoms. Increased fluid retention, swelling and inflammation. If the swelling in the bronchi is dramatic, severe occlusion can occur (atelectasis) causing the lung to potentially collapse.
There are multiple facets to a KCTP such as biological conflicts experienced around abandonment, isolation, refugee, existence, finances, water. This is where the fluid in the lungs, associated with pneumonia arises from – but it is due to conflict activity, not a healing phase!
High doses of Vitamin C, a common practice among natural practitioners is contraindicated as Vitamin C stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, thereby stimulating the conflict active phase and actually deepening it. If an individual is in an active KCTS – The Vitamin C would worsen the fluid buildup.
When dealing with a very deep conflict, the epi-crisis or climax of the healing phase is a critical juncture – as the brain pushes out the edema.
It should be noted that aspiration pneumonia does not fall into the territorial, nest fear classification.
It should also be noted that a bronchial carcinoma is not an actual tumor, but rather a very deep expression of the above swelling and occlusion.
Of course, in the more serious cases, hospitalization is necessary.
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