Relapse Tracks. The term “track” is one that comes up often in my GNM consultations. Tracks are subconscious reminders of the dhs (trauma) that will reopen the original biological program (disease.) The challenge with any German New Medicine session is to properly address these reminders that can delay a complete clearing. At the moment of the conflict-shock, the psyche is wide open and processing billions of bits of information. What we need to
Bartholin’s Cyst

Bartholin’s Cyst. For those of you out there that have experienced a Bartholin’s Cyst, you understand how painful, frustrating and embarrassing the condition can be. Sexual intercourse can be near impossible due to the pain. A Bartholin’s Cyst, also known as Bartholinitis occurs when a Bartholin’s gland becomes blocked and inflamed. From a German New Medicine perspective a Bartholin’s Cyst is glandular in nature. The function of the gland is to produce lubrication
Double Vision. Diplopia.

Double Vision. Diplopia. The original “Doublemint Twins” were Jayne and Joan Boyd of Hammond, Indiana who appeared in advertisements for Wrigley’s Doublemint gum until 1963. (Wikipedia) Foreigner also sang about it. Guitar hero added it to their video game repertoire and Burger King featured it in a 1990’s commercial. Diplopia, commonly known as double vision, is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object that may be displaced horizontally, vertically, diagonally or
The Reflexive Brain

Reflexive Brain In German New Medicine a distinction is made between a psychological conflict and a biological conflict. What’s the difference you ask? A psychological conflict involves the mind, a biological conflict involves the automatic or reflexive brain. The mind ponders, the brain is reflexive. The mind is extrinsic, the brain intrinsic. The mind is acquired, the brain innate. The mind analyzes, the brain knows. The mind says, “The stove is hot. It
The Kidney Collecting Tubules

The Kidney Collecting Tubules. Ultra Important! Clients will frequently hear me harp on the kidney collecting tubules as they play such an important role in navigating through any given healing phase. This is so important it is often the focus of our very first conversation. When we are in a healing phase (parasympathetic) of one biological conflict and have a secondary active conflict (sympathetic) of the kidney collecting tubules – we will experience what Dr.
Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction. “Should your erection should last more than four hours … ” I couldn’t resist the above quote from the ever present Viagra ® commercials. Simply classic. Saturday Night Live material. In the cold light of day, erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter. Wikipedia defines erectile dysfunction as sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity. It’s so sensitive an issue that

Tinnitus The chime of an inbox email. The ping of a text message arriving. In a time when sounds abound, we’re on high alert for the next communique. But what if this aural state of prairie dog hyper-alertness is doing more harm than good? Tinnitus is a modern day malady that has gone pandemic, and for many it has become the new frustrating norm. So debilitating can tinnitus be, that 47 year old Gaby Olthuis
Rotator Cuff

Rotator Cuff. Rotator cuff tears and shoulder instability reflect chronicity of a self devaluation healing phase where there is an element of feeling inadequate relative to a close relationship. For example, a torn right rotator cuff on a left handed male will relate to mother or child – e.g. feeling inadequate as a provider for the children. Often we will experience a tear or damage upon activity, exertion, work or trauma. The logical

Autism Autism’s rise over the last forty years is a puzzling complex of theories, speculation and so many unknowns. There’s no single, unifying answer. The research today is focused on genetic mutations, such as De Novo Copy Number Variation (CNV) that is believed to be associated with autism and autism spectrum disorder. The gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 is being researched as a means of ‘deleting’ a ‘potential’ autism gene. Researchers today are very gifted at

Depression. Courtesy of In German New Medicine, emotional disorders such as depression involve multiple biological conflict-shocks in opposing halves of the brain, referred to as constellations. In other words, one active conflict on each hemisphere in direct opposition. Think a constellation of stars in the night sky. These constellations will always create unique psychoses depending upon their sequence and combinations. Dr. Hamer has unraveled the brain and has shown us that