Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence.     AI. Artificial Intelligence, is a 2001 sci-fi film directed by Steven Spielberg. Set in a futuristic society, A.I. tells the story of a childlike android uniquely programmed with the ability to experience emotion. As the movie unfolds we see the complex nature of emotions. They are multi-faceted and interconnected. It’s the same when approaching biological conflicts. Their complexity must be appreciated. When utilizing modalities such as EFT (I have practiced EFT,

Anchors um, uh, err Cankers Aweigh (Away)

Anchors um, uh, err Cankers Aweigh (Away)

Anchors um, uh, err Cankers Aweigh (Away)   I saw a client’s son this week with cankers sores – a session that jarred my own memory. When I was around nine years old my entire mouth broke out in canker sores (aphthae) – at least a 5-10 throughout my mouth. I remember how utterly painful it was – couldn’t eat, swallow, smile or even sing – a serious thing when you’re known as The Golden

Belief and The Lie Within

Belief and The Lie Within

Belief and The Lie Within.     Abraham (Esther Hicks) has stated that a belief is merely a thought that you continue to think. What if that thought was based on misinformation or information that was distorted or even inverted? Would the belief remain valid? People occasionally tell me that they don’t have enough belief in German New Medicine. That’s it’s too good to be true. Well, I get it – but here’s the good

Anger, Rage and Furious George.

Anger, Rage and Furious George.

Anger, Rage and Furious George.     Curious George investigates his world because everything fascinates him; familiar things, unfamiliar things, things he doesn’t quite understand – everything. What keeps us wanting to come back to George is the fact that we know his curiosity will propel him into (mis)-adventures. But George isn’t undone by his mischief. He usually manages to pull himself out of it and sometimes even saves the day. ( Okay, that’s the beloved

The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)

The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)

The DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) 1:30 sec. – 2:50 sec. (pay close attention at 2:09 sec. – 2:10 sec.) The DHS or Dirk Hamer Syndrome is the loving acronym that Dr. Hamer coined to define the initiating shock that catalyzes all disease as well as all functional change. The above scene from the 2004 film “Ray” (The Life of Ray Charles) starring Jamie Foxx so eloquently depicts the young Ray Charles experiencing a DHS. A DHS (also referred to

Liver Cancer. Bile Duct Cancer.

Liver Cancer. Bile Duct Cancer.

Liver Cancer. Bile Duct Cancer.   Starvation. It’s about what sustains us – nutritionally, financially, emotionally and spiritually. An individual can experience a biological conflict of starvation in real time, in real terms. This is an “old brain” conflict about survival. In the animal kingdom, a ‘morsel’ is literal. In our human realm, it is more often figurative – a situation, scenario, event, occurrence, relationship, person or job that is the morsel necessary for our sustenance.

Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson’s Disease

Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson's Disease

Multiple Sclerosis & Parkinson’s Disease   When I was just four or five, my parents would take us to visit my father’s Uncle Louie and his wife. He was a benevolent elderly man that I innocently referred to as shaky. I now know today that Uncle Louie was suffering from Parkinson’s disorder. In GNM, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease are what Dr. Hamer refers to as cancer equivalents or cancer equivalent disorders, in other words

Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Disease

Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Disease

Hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s Disease.     Dr. Hakaru Hashimoto’s surname, for whom the above condition is credited ironically translates into “the base or origin of the bridge.” I say ironic, as you will see in a moment, Hashimoto’s disease concerns itself with “the base or origin of the bridge” from the thyroid gland into the bloodstream … in other words, the ducts! The standard take … Hashimoto‘s thyroiditis or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is an autoimmune

Viruses. How Much Is That Dogma In The Window?

Viruses. How Much Is That Dogma In The Window?

 How Much Is That Dogma In The Window?     How Dogma coalesces out of the ethers is a multi-faceted question and one that is best not examined here. I have to state that I am not a big conspiracy theorist, denialist or the like, yet when I began researching all of this I was shocked at what I discovered. I also do understand this to be a clearly controversial topic. You’ll have to decide

Bedwetter’s Anonymous.

Bedwetter’s Anonymous.

Bedwetter’s Anonymous.     Soggy sheets. Soiled pajamas. Sorry faces. Megan Cartwright, in her July 2015 expose, Bedwetting is not a moral failing, points out some of “the bizarre, desperate and occasionally cruel medical treatments for a common complaint.” Bedwetting, known as nocturnal enuresis may be your child developing night time bladder control. Dr. Hamer shows us it is more often reflective of a unique biological conflict of demarcation. In children, it often relates